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Reducing risk and preserving an ‘open’ campus atmosphere

Security is a 24-hour challenge on campus. Conflicts among students, drugs and alcohol, vandalism and theft is affecting a significant proportion of schools. Incidents range from the mundane to the bizarre.

Protecting schools involves deployment of a range of security and physical hardening tools. Schools should be an inviting place for students and families, so technology solutions aimed at restricting access should be low-profile and unobtrusive. In school districts where protection against external threats is a top priority, an effective approach is security designed in layers, starting at the school’s perimeter and working inward to secure individual classrooms and other internal areas.

Video surveillance is a technology that is unobtrusive and can promote security beginning at the outermost boundaries of the school environment. Furthermore, incorporating new Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning technologies are increasing the real-time capabilities of video surveillance to provide early warning of a possible security threat as it enters a campus.

AI-driven video systems automate security processes and provide useful real-time information that extends beyond video images. Deploying AI technologies can promote better security campus-wide by preventing danger from entering the learning environment. 


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School entrances and gates

AI technology can be used at school entrances and gates to promote security of students and staff.


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School parking area

Using AI, the video system can identify the licence numbers of cars that entre a school’s parking entrance or gate and can match the numbers to a watch list and provide an alarm. 


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Inside school buildings

The entrance of important indoor areas such as laboratory, office and library can be configured with AI technology to ensure that only registered students and staff have access to the buildings. 




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